Water, ACS Reagent Grade, ASTM Type II, 500 mL Poly Bottle

  • Description

    Water, ACS Reagent Grade, ASTM Type II

    • For General Laboratory Requirements where microbial specifications are not a concern
    • Tested to latest ACS, ASTM Requirements
    • Meets ASTM Types II Specifications
    • Type II Water, general laboratory applications, preparation of reagents, filling incubators or test chambers
    • 18 megohm Water

    Schematic of Water System

    Ricca’s closed loop continuous process water systems at each of our facilities include continual monitoring of TOC (Total Organic Carbon). In addition our systems use conventional water softening, prefiltration, activated carbon organic adsorption, reverse osmosis, mixed bed triple deionization, ultraviolet light irradiation and 0.2 micron membrane filtration. Our water systems have been validated to meet ACS/ASTM/USP/EP specifications.