Microbiologics Candida albicans, ATCC 10231, E7power (1 vial containing 10 pellets with a pre-determined quantitative assay)

  • $394.00
  • Description

    Catalog No. 0443E7

    Candida albicans derived from ATCC® 10231™*


    Biosafety Level: 1

    10 pellets of a single microorganism with a predetermined quantitative assay

    Mean Assay Value: 1.0-9.9E+07 CFU per pellet
    Biosafety Level 1
    Product Format Epower™
    Strain Characteristics Yeast cells
    Quantitative Preparations at a concentration of 1.0-9.9E+07 CFU per pellet
    Test Method Food and Food Ingredients: Enumeration of Indicator/Spoilage Microorganisms, Media Testing
    WDCM Number 00054
    Catalog number 0443
    Standards and Guidelines ISO 11133
    Taxonomy Fungi
    Industry Type Food Safety