Hardy Diagnostics CompactDry EC: E. coli and Coliforms (240 trays)

  • Hardy Diagnostics CompactDry EC: E. coli and Coliforms (240 trays)
  • Hardy Diagnostics CompactDry EC: E. coli and Coliforms (240 trays)
  • Hardy Diagnostics CompactDry EC: E. coli and Coliforms (240 trays)
  • $223.20
  • Description

    HardyDiagnostics CompactDry EC: E.coli and Coliforms (240 trays)

    CompactDry is a ready-to-use system that reduces the time needed to perform microbial testing on food, cannabis, meat, cosmetics, raw materials and more.

    Use the The Wizard™, CompactDry™ Reader, Version 2 to automatically read CompactDry plates.

    Compact Dry EC is AOAC, MicroVal and NordVal approved.

    The benefits are easy to spot:

    Each cassette comes with 4 connected plates that can be easily snapped apart to support a variety of dilution scenarios.

    • Sturdy frame, stackable packaging

    • Self-diffusing media

    • Ability to subculture without damage to colonies

    • Stored at room temperature vs the competitor products with storage at temperatures less than or equal to 8°C.
    • No leakage

    • East to label

    • Industry recognized Hardy technical support and customer service teams