CB2 Receptor Blocking Peptide, Item No. 301550

  • Description

    CB2 Receptor Blocking Peptide, Item No. 301550, 200 µg

    Product Description

    To be used in conjunction with Cayman’s CB2 Receptor Polyclonal Antibody (Item No. 101550) to block protein-antibody complex formation during immunochemical analysis for the CB2 receptor.

    WARNING This product is not for human or veterinary use.

    Technical Information
    • Cannabinoid Receptor 2
    Amino Acids
    Human CB2 receptor sequence amino acids 20-33 (NPMKDYMILSGPQK)
    Formulation(Request formulation change)
    A lyophilized peptide
    Shipping & Storage Information
    Room Temperature in continental US; may vary elsewhere
    ≥ 2 years
    Certificates of Analysis & Batch Specific Data

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