VACUU-VIEW Vacuum Gauge

  • Description

    VACUU-VIEW Vacuum Gauge

    NEW! The VACUUBRAND® VACUU-VIEW and VACUU-VIEW extended are ideal for applications in the rough vacuum and fine vacuum ranges. The VACUU-VIEW provides gas-independent pressure indication with precise capacitive readout utilizing a chemically resistant ceramic diaphragm sensor in the rough vacuum range. The VACCU-VIEW extended adds a ceramic jacketed Pirani sensor to provide measurements down to 10-3mbar.

    Product Features:

    • Compact Design
      Integrated sensors for simple set up.
    • User-friendly Display
      Illuminated display is easy to read; Menu-driven handling is easy-to-use.
    • Chemical resistance
      Both the ceramic diaphragm sensor and ceramic jacketed Pirani sensors provide corrosion resistance.