Trimipramine-D3.maleate, 1.0 mg/1 ml calibrated in methanol

  • $179.85
  • Description

    Trimipramine-D3.maleate, 1.0 mg/1 ml calibrated in methanol

    [CAS Number 1185245-93-5]


    Product reference number TRP-1877-MA
    Full chemical name 3-(5,6-Dihydrobenzo[b][1]benzazepin-11-yl)-N-trideuteromethyl,N,2-dimethylpropan-1-amine.cis-butendioic acid
    Formula C20H23D3N2⋅C4H4O4
    Molecular weight 413.53
    CAS Number 1185245-93-5
    Supplied as maleate salt
    Appearance white to off-white crystalline powder
    IR IR corresponds
    NMR corresponds to structure
    MS MH+ corresponds
    UV max [nm] (mol, solvent) 210.0 ± 1.0 (43000 ± 4000, methanol);
    250.0 ± 1.0 (10000 ± 1000, methanol)
    Melting point [Celsius] 142 ±3
    HPLC purity [%] > 98.5
    Free base content [%] > 69.9
    Water content [%] < 1
    Isotopic enrichment [%] D0/D3 < 1
    Calculated maleate content [%] 28.1