Tile-Top AM SpongeCote UltraSoft Anti-Fatigue Mat, Charcoal, 2'x3'

  • Description

    UltraSoft Tile-Top AM doubles down on combating fatigue even while providing a top to bottom anti-microbial solution. An anti-microbial top surface provides top level defense and is backed with an anti-microbial Nitricell sponge. Twice as thick, it absorbs repeated compression and bounces back to its original form better than any PVC sponge alternative. Tile-Top AM is a game changer compared to typical tile-top mats for teams in labs, pharmacies, biotechnology and pharmaceutical manufacturing.

    • Anti-Microbial “Best” Sponge
    • Tough but attractive abrasion and chemical resistant PVC surface
    • Machine cut and beveled edges prevent tripping
    • The ONLY fully customizable Tile-Top matting product available
    • Overall thickness 7/8” (22 mm)
    Suitable Environment Dry
    Type Anti-Fatigue Matting
    Customization Level C3 - Full Custom (Length, Width, Shape)
    Solid or Drainage Solid
    Compound PVC Surface With Anti-Microbial Nitrile Infused Sponge
    Recycled <10%
    Warranty 4 Years
    Part NumberDescriptionColorThicknessDimensionsStock PartUOM
    419.78x2x3AMCH UltraSoft Tile-Top AM Charcoal 7/8" 2' x 3' Yes EA
    PropertyTest / Result
    Flammability MVSS 302 / 'A'; Rating
    Taber Abrasion Federal Standard 191 / 1000g, CS-17 wheel
    Temperature Range 0 to 110 F
    Coefficient of Friction ASTM F1677 / Dry: COF = .78
    Compression Deflection ASTM D395-98 / 20%
    Tear Strength Not Available
    ESD Rating Not Available
    Dielectric Strength Not Available


    • A = Performs well
    •  B = Slightly affected
    •  C = Moderately affected
    • D = Highly affected
    •  U = Not recommended
    •  NT = Not tested
    ChemicalUrethaneNitrilePVCCFRSBRNatural Rubber
    Acetone U U U C C C
    Animal Fats NT A C U U U
    Bleach Solution (10% Dilute) NT B B C C C
    Boric Acid B A A A A A
    Brake Fluid U A B D D D
    Brake Fluid (Silicone Based) U A B A B B
    Chlorine Solution (3% Dilute) C A B C C C
    Citric Acid NT A C C C U
    Cutting Fluid (Mineral Oil Based) U B B B C D
    Diesel Oil U A B U U U
    Ethylene Acetate NT U NT U U U
    Ethylene Glycol B A A A A A
    Hydraulic Oil (Petroleum) U A B D D D
    Hydrochloric Acid Cole (37% Dilute) U C C B B B
    Isopropyl Alcohol A B A B B A
    Lacquer Solvents U U U U U U
    Lindol (Hydraulic Fluid) NT U NT U U U
    MEK U U U U U U
    Mineral Oil C A B A B U
    Naptha NT C U U U U
    Napthlene U U U U U U
    Petroleum U C B D D D
    Salt Water A A B B B C
    Tolulene U U U U U U
    Transmission Fluid (Type A) U B A C U U
    Trichloroethane U U U U U U
    Vegetable Oil C A B C C C