SPME Fiber Holder for use with CTC CombiPAL

  • Description

    SPME Fiber Holder

    for use with CTC CombiPAL, Gerstel MPS2 and Thermo TriPlus Autosamplers

    •  NACRES NB.21


    Related Categories Analytical/Chromatography, SPME Fiber Holders, SPME Fibers and Holders, Sample Preparation & Purification, Solid Phase Microextraction (SPME) 
    Featured Industry  Food and Beverages
    compatibility                  for use with CTC CombiPAL, Gerstel MPS2 and Thermo TriPlus Autosamplers

    General description

    The holder protects the coated fiber, and controls exposure of the fiber during analyte adsorption and desorption. The holder is reusable indefinitely and accepts the replaceable fiber assembly. First time users must order both a holder and a fiber assembly.

    Fiber Holder for Manual Sampling

    An adjustable depth guide positions the fiber for sampling and for correct placement in the heated zone of the GC injection port. The fiber can be locked in the exposed position.

    Fiber Holder for Automated Sampling or HPLC Analysis

    Use this fiber holder with a Varian 8100/8200 AutoSampler or with our SPME/HPLC interface. An SPME upgrade kit is necessary for operation with the Varian AutoSampler - contact Varian Instrument Division for information concerning system requirements.

    Fiber Holder for CTC CombiPAL/CombiPAL-xt and Gerstel MPS2

    Use this holder with SPME fiber assemblies that are designed for automated sampling.