Replacement Drum Grate for 2-drum EcoPolyBlend Spill Pallets and Accumulation Center

  • $75.25
  • Description

    Justrite Drum Grate Replacement, 2-drum EcoPolyBlend® Spill Pallets and Accumulation Centers, Black

    MODEL NO: 28259

    Key Benefits

    • Two-drum grate replacement for all size EcoPolyBlend™ Spill Pallets and 2-8 drum Accumulation Centers
    • Use in conjuction with flexible spill containment berms to help keep personnel and other objects above contaminated wash down water
    • Made of durable, chemical resistant, easy-to-clean 100% recycled black polyethylene
    • Service temperature range: -30°F to 120°F (-34°C to 49°C)

    Keep personnel and parts away from fluids and contaminants. Two-drum grate replacement for all size EcoPolyBlend™ Spill Pallets and 2-8 drum Accumulation Centers. Use in conjuction with flexible spill containment berms to help keep personnel and other objects above contaminated wash down water. Made of durable, chemical resistant, easy-to-clean black polyethylene. 100% recycled. Service temperature range: -30°F to 120°F (-34°C to 49°C)

    Model No. 28259
    International Model No. 28259
    Color Black
    Material Specifications Recycled Polyethylene
    UL Environmental Approval Yes
    Percent Recycled 100
    Dimensions, Exterior 2.5" H x 24" W x 48" D x 48" L
      64mm H x 610mm W x 1219mm D x 1219mm L
    Net Weight, lbs 17.0
    Net Weight, kg 7.7