Refractive index standard, traceable to NIST, traceable to PTB, [alpha]/D 60, Brix CERTIPUR

  • Description

    Refractive index standard, traceable to NIST, traceable to PTB, [α]/D 60°, Brix CERTIPUR®



    analytical standard

    Quality Level



    traceable to NIST
    traceable to PTB

    product line


    optical activity

    [α]/D 60°


    Brix CERTIPUR®


    flavors and fragrances
    food and beverages
    general analytical

    storage temp.


    General description

    The amount of sugar in an aqueous solution is measured in degrees Brix (symbol °Bx).One gram of sucrose in 100 grams of the solution equals one degree Brix, which measures the solution′s strength as a percentage of its weight (%w/w).


    • Refractive index standard for use as a reference standard in determination of Brix value by refractometers
    • The use of this standard for determining sugar content is also possible in the wine and beer, sugar, fruit juice, honey, starch, and sugar manufacturing industries

    Features and Benefits

    • Each product has five ampoules, and each ampoule contains an 8ml solution
    • Accompanied by technical data sheet that includes information about extended measurement uncertainty calculated according to ISO 17025
    • Traceable to recognized national standards, and to units of measurement recognized at the National Institute Standards and Technology (NIST) and Physical Technical Institute (PTB)
    • Solutions that are stable, ready to use, and have long minimum shelf lives