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Qualitative Shiga Toxin E. coli STEC in Hemp Matrix #CMQC-028, QC/INTERNAL PT

  • $259.00
  • Description

    Qualitative Shiga Toxin E. coli STEC in Hemp Matrix #CMQC-028, QC/INTERNAL PT

    A five sample set in hemp. At least 2 of 5 samples will test positive for one of the target microorganisms: STEC serotypes O26, O45, O103, O111, O121, and O145. Can be used for cultural and molecular analytical methods.

    Analyte #s: Analytes
    6064 E.coli – Serotype 026
    6065 E.coli – Serotype 045
    6066 E.coli – Serotype 0103
    6067 E.coli – Serotype 0111
    6068 E.coli – Serotype 0121
    6069 E.coli – Serotype 0145