PURELAB Chorus 3 RO 30LPH Water Purification System With Boost Pump (Incldues: Pretreatment Cartridge, RO Module, DI Pack, and UV Lamp)

  • $8,922.98
  • Description

    When general laboratory grade water is all you need, then PURELAB Chorus 3 is the reliable solution with the flexibility to suit your requirements.
    Range of storage reservoirs designed to maintain optimum purity of stored purified water in a choice of 15, 30, 60 and 100 liter capacities. Dispensing is from the Storage Reservoir. (Order the Storage Reservoir seperately)

    • Configuration: Ability to configure multiple systems to increase flow rate.
    • Simplicity: Simple to install, operate and maintain with a clear indication of water purity.
    • Auto Rinse: Maintains purity of water during periods of low use.
    • Economical: Optional CO? removal from the purified water (post RO) increasing the life of downstream consumables.
    • Modular: Multiple PURELAB Chorus 3 units can feed into one reservoir and systems can be expanded post installation. As such, the cost of future upgrades is minimized. Duplex systems also guarantee maximum uptime.