Meprobamate-D7, 1.0 mg/1 ml calibrated in methanol

  • $338.22
  • Description

    Meprobamate-D7, 1.0 mg/1 ml Calibrated in Methanol

    Product reference number MPB-1541
    Full chemical name 2-(Trideuteromethyl)-2-propylpropane-1,3-diyl-1,1,3,3-D4 dicarbamate
    Formula C9H11D7N2O4
    CAS Number N/A
    Molecular weight 225.30
    DEA No. 2820 CIV
    Appearance white to off-white crystalline powder
    IR IR corresponds
    NMR corresponds to structure
    MS MH+ corresponds
    Melting point [Celsius] 104 ± 3
    GC purity [%] > 98.0
    Water content [%] < 1
    Isotopic enrichement [%] D0/D7 < 1