MC-Media Pad for yeasts and molds

  • $139.00
  • Description


    1.32360 Millipore

    MC-Media Pad®

    for yeasts, for molds



    General description

    The MC MEDIA PAD® serves as a convenient method for the rapid routine testing of microbial contamination of raw and in-process food and beverage materials, and finished products. The MC MEDIA PAD® is a pre-sterilized, ready-to-use dry culture device, simplifying testing and minimizing the quantity of waste. MC MEDIA PAD® is composed of a unique adhesive sheet, a test pad coated with medium and water absorption polymer, and a transparent cover film, to automatically re-constitute the media. MC MEDIA PAD® Yeast & Mold is intended for enumeration of yeasts and molds in foods with an aw of >0.95. The MC MEDIA PAD® is coated with a growth medium and a redox indicator for detection. Once the liquid sample is inoculated onto the test pad, the sample diffuses through the whole pad by capillary action.


    MC MEDIA PAD® Yeast & Mold is intended to enumerate viable yeast and molds using a special medium composition and unique redox indicator.

    Analysis Note

    If target organisms are present, they grow as red to reddish brown coloured colonies on the test pad.


    feature   ready-to-use
    mfr. no.   MC MEDIA PAD®
    application(s)   air monitoring: suitable
      microbiology: suitable
    pH   7.4 ( in H2O)
    Featured Industry   Food and Beverages
    Industrial QC
    shipped in   ambient
    suitability   Escherichia coli