i-Test Incubator - Small (40 Tubes)

  • $300.00
  • Description

    i-Test Incubator - Small (40 Tubes)

    A Lab Grade Incubator with 0.1 +/- precision designed for 0.2 uL tubes. This incubator serves as the gold standard for incubating the i-Test as allows for programmable, timed, incubation. It is available to run 40 or 96 reactions at once.

    i-Test kit is a product line designed around one simple idea, place the power of doing molecular testing into everyone's hands. 

    Some Benefits of i-Test:

    • Identify if your plant has a pathogen such as Hops Latent Viroid
    • Catch the infection before it hurts your bottom line
    • Identify plant sex up to 4x faster than visual detection
    • Maximize crop space by raising more or only female plants.
    • Conserve resources typically wasted on male plants such as water, energy, nutrients, labor & pesticides
    What Are The 3-Easy Steps To Run?
    1) Sample The Plant
    2) Incubate at 63 C for 30 minutes
    3) Color Change if Target Found
    1) Purchasing an i-Test requires an incubator 
    2) Each Test requires a test kit containing the test reaction
    3) Every batch of samples that is run requires a control set to standardize the time it takes to achieve a positive result