HRC 2 basic

  • $6,302.00
  • Description

    The compact refrigerated and heating circulator HRC 2 basic is renowned for its high energy efficiency, a working temperature powerful infinitelyrange from -20°C to 100°C and a variable pressure and suction pump. The on-demand and speed-controlled compressor reduces noise and operating costs. The high-quality Isolation of the 4 l bath allows fast heating and reduces heat input when cooling. Using the external temperature control circuit is possible for up to 2.5 l thermofluid without a refill. The integrated hopper and drain valve ensure a safe and clean handling of the thermofluid. The easy-to-open front flap allows an easy cleaning of the cooling unit’s air filter.There is a drain valve on the front side of the bath. A hose can be connected to empty the bath, so the user does not get in direct contact with the thermofluid. Speed-controlled refrigeration system with 400 W cooling capacity Speed-controlled pump make of PEEK: (0.5 bar; 22 l/min) 1500 W heating capacity (1200 W @115V) Digital level indicator Safety classification III (FL) according to DIN 12876 Adjustable temperature safety circuit