EZ-CHROM* STEC is a chromogenic media for the detection of Shiga-Toxin producing E. coli (STEC). Product can be ordered as 20 prepared plates
An increasing number of recent studies...
EZ-CHROM Listeria Prepared Plates (20 Plates)
EZ-CHROM* Listeria is a chromogenic media for the isolation, detection and differentiation of Listeria monocytogenes from other bacteria in food. It is...
EZ-CHROM Campylobacter prepared plates (20 Plates)
Campylobacter spp. are fastidious bacteria that may be difficult to recover due to suboptimal specimen transport and/or storage conditions and lack...
EZ-CHROM Staph aureus Prepared Plates (20 Plates)
Human beings are the main reservoir of S. aureus. A carrier contaminates the surrounding environment when coughing, sneezing and by touching food...