Ethylsulfate.sodium salt, 1.0 mg/1 ml calibrated in methanol

  • Description

    Ethylsulfate.sodium salt, 1.0 mg/1 ml calibrated in methanol

    [CAS Number 546-74-7] Ethyl sulfate sodium salt is the primary ethanol metabolite responsible for detecting alcohol consumption in urine. Ethyl sulfate sodium salt is available as reference material (bulk powder and/or solution) and as calibrated, Ready-to-Use, certified reference material (CRM). This product is designed for qualitative and quantitative protocols and can be used for forensic, toxicology, research, and other chemical/biochemical analytical applications.

    Product reference number ETS-972-NA
    Full chemical name Sulfuric acid, monoethyl ester, sodium salt
    Formula C2H5NaO4S
    Molecular weight 148.12
    CAS Number 546-74-7
    Appearance white to off-white crystalline powder
    IR IR corresponds
    NMR 1H;13C: conforms
    Elemental Analysis (C, H, N, Cl) C,H: conforms
    Content [%] 98.0 - 102.0 (based on carbon microanalysis)
    Water content [%] < 2