Emerald Colorado Pesticide Standard - 13 Part Mix

  • Description

    Emerald Colorado Pesticide Standard

    • Matrix: LC-MS Grade Acetonitirile
    • Volume: 1mL
    • Concentration: 1000ug/mL
    Component CAS#
    Abamectin (Avermectin Ba and B1b) 71751-41-2
    Azoxystrobin 131860-33-8
    Bifenazate 149877-41-8
    Etoxazole 153233-91-1
    Imazalil 73790-28-0
    Imidacloprid 138261-41-3
    Malathion 121-75-5
    Myclobutanil/ Systhane 88671-89-0
    Permethrin 52645-53-1
    Spinosad (Spinosyn A& D) 168316-95-8
    Spiromesifen 283594-90-1
    Spirotretamat 203313-25-1
    Folicur/ Tebuconazole 107534-96-3

    ISO 17025 & Guide 34

    Please note-
    Spiromesifen degrades within days to week under appropriate conditions to the major metabolite, spiromesifen-enol and additional minor metabolites (M02, M03, M04, M09, M16, and M17). The residue definition has been cited by research as the sum of the spiromesifen and the spiromesifen-enol metabolite. For more information, please review Spiromesfen technical note for more information. Proper storage in freezer in required.