Electrode Storage Solution for Storing Glass and Combination pH Electrodes, 4 L

  • $196.04
  • Description

    Electrode Storage Solution for Storing Glass and Combination pH Electrodes

    This solution maintains a hydrated gel layer on the pH electrode bulb and minimizes clogging of liquid junctions, thus assuring rapid response and minimal drift. Fill test tube, or other suitable container, with Electrode Storage Solution so that internal filling solution of electrode is above storage solution level. Container should be sized or covered to prevent evaporation. Exercise care to prevent scratching of pH bulb. Replace Electrode Storage Solution periodically or if precipitation or crystallization occurs. This solution is a proprietary formulation and does not contain any hazardous ingredients.

    Product Number


    Shelf Life (Unopened Container)

    24 months

    Recommended Storage

    15°C - 30°C (59°F - 86°F)