CompactDry ETB, Enterobacteriaceae, 25 packages of 4 plates

  • CompactDry ETB, Enterobacteriaceae, 25 packages of 4 plates
  • CompactDry ETB, Enterobacteriaceae, 25 packages of 4 plates
  • CompactDry ETB, Enterobacteriaceae, 25 packages of 4 plates
  • $159.26
  • Description


    CompactDry ETB, Enterobacteriaceae, 25 packages of 4 plates

    Simple and Effective System for Colony Counting!

    Compact Dry™ is a ready-to-use system reducing the time needed to perform microbial testing on food, beverage, meat, cosmetics, and raw materials. Place 1ml of sample onto the plate and incubate. Colonies grow and develop specific colors from chromogenic substrates. This provides for easy organism differentiation and counting.

    Compact Dry™ ETB is a ready-to-use test method recommended for the isolation and enumeration of organisms belonging to the family Enterobacteriaceae in raw materials, finished products, or on environmental surfaces pertaining to food and related industries. Colonies from the Enterobacteriaceaegroup will turn red or purple due to the presence of chromogenic substances. Compact Dry™ ETB is AOAC, MicroVal, and NordVal approved.

    Use the The Wizard™, CompactDry™ Reader, Version 2 to automatically read CompactDry plates.