CB1 Receptor (C-Term) Blocking Peptide, 1ea, Item No. 10006591

  • Description

    CB1 Receptor (C-Term) Blocking Peptide, 1ea, Item No. 10006591

    Product Description

    To be used in conjunction with Cayman’s CB1 Receptor (C-Term) polyclonal antibody (Item No. 10006590) to block protein-antibody complex formation during immunochemical analysis of CB1 · The CB1 receptor is a G-protein coupled receptor that binds the active component of cannabis, Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol. Human and rat CB1 receptors exhibit 97.3% homology at the amino acid level over the complete protein, and 100% homology within the peptide sequence used to make the Cayman CB1 Receptor polyclonal antibody (Item No. 10006590). This peptide exhibits no homology with the CB2 receptor. Based on the amino acid sequence, the CB1 receptor has a molecular weight of approximately 52,800. The CB1 receptor and the splice variant CB1a are localized mainly in the brain whereas the CB2 receptor is localized predominantly in peripheral tissues, including the spleen and hematopoietic cells.

    WARNING This product is not for human or veterinary use.

    Technical Information
    • Cannabinoid Receptor 1
    Amino Acids
    CB1 receptor (C-Term) amino acids 461-472
    Formulation(Request formulation change)
    200 µg of peptide in 200 µl TBS, pH 7.4, containing 0.1% BSA and 0.02% sodium azide
    Shipping & Storage Information
    Wet ice in continental US; may vary elsewhere
    ≥ 2 years
    Certificates of Analysis & Batch Specific Data

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