Arsenic, 10 ug/mL (10 ppm), for ICP/ICP-MS, 125 mL

  • $104.00
  • Description

    Arsenic, 10 µg/mL (10 ppm), for ICP/ICP-MS, 125 mL

    Product Information

    Part # :CLAS2-1AY

    Matrix :2% HNO3

    Volume :125 mL

    Concentration :10 µg/mL

    Units/Pack :1

    Expiration : 365 Days / 12 Months

    Storage Condition :Ambient

    Hazardous Info :

    Product Shipping
    Hazardous Hazardous

    This item has been deemed as hazardous.

    Additional Hazardous shipping fees may apply.

    Claritas PPT® Certified Reference Materials are designed for ICP=MS and can also be used in ICP analysis. We are now offering single-element solutions at 10 ppm with accuracy within 2% of uncertainty. They are made using ultra-high purity acids, the highest grade starting materials and a high purity water to minimize contaminants.

    Component Concentration Matrix
    Arsenic 10 µg/mL 2% HNO3