Acrolein and Acrylonitrile Standards for US EPA Method 603, 10,000ug/mL (10,000 ppm) in Methanol-P&T, 1 mL

  • Description

    Acrolein and Acrylonitrile Standards for US EPA Method 603, 10,000µg/mL (10,000 ppm) in Methanol-P&T, 1 mL

    Product Information

    Part # : 603-M-10K

    Matrix : Methanol-P&T

    Volume :1 mL

    Concentration :10,000 µg/mL

    Units/Pack :1

    Expiration : 90 Days / 3 Months

    Storage Condition : Freezer

    Product Shipping
    Hazardous Non-Hazardous

    This item has been deemed as hazardous.

    Additional Hazardous shipping fees may apply.

    Freezer Message: This item must be stored in a freezer to ensure stability.

    Volatiles US EPA Method 603 is a general analytical method for the separation of acrolein and acrylonitrile in municipal and industrial wastewater by GC/FID.

    Component Concentration Matrix CAS#
    Acrolein 10,000 µg/mL Methanol-P&T 107-02-8
    Acrylonitrile 10,000 µg/mL Methanol-P&T 107-13-1