(6757) Microvial Set for 6785/6775 Freezer/Mill

  • $1,019.93
  • Description

    (6757) Microvial Set

    These microvial sets are ideal for grinding very small quantities of samples such as plant and animal tissue, seeds, textiles, pharmaceuticals, hair, and bones. It is comprised of three microvials contained in a vial holder to allow simultaneous sample processing. Holds up to 0.1 to 0.5mL of samples.

    • 6753C microvial sample extraction tool aids in the removal of ground samples from center cylinders
    • Unique vial holder allows liquid nitrogen to flow freely around each microvial
    • Closed grinding vial prevents sample cross contamination, retains volatiles and controls hazardous or critical samples
    • Withstands liquid nitrogen temperatures
    • Sample grinding capacity 0.1 grams-0.5 grams.
    • Grinds three samples simultaneously in the 6875 Freezer/Mill, when used in conjunction with 6806 multi-vial adapter
    • Grinds three samples at a time in the 6775 Freezer/Mill